
The Center for Research, Excellence and Diversity in Team Scholarship (CREDITS) is an integrated research and training program to increase and enhance Team Scholarship (TS) and collective intelligence capacity, effectiveness, and excellence. A variety of perspectives on teams is known to have positive effects on creativity, innovation, and productivity. Apart from its contribution to scientific breakthroughs and grand challenge problems, TS has beneficial impacts on individual research careers. TS projects garner more funding, and yield greater publication productivity, and higher impact publications.

The core activities are: 1) TS training retreats and workshops for a variety of faculty and administrative audiences; and 2) Research and Evaluation that will increase our knowledge about TS and inform CREDITS programming.

Principal Investigator Team

Barbara Louise EndemaƱo Walker, Director of Strategic Research Initiatives & Special Assistant to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Initiatives
University of California Santa Barbara

John Crockett, Associate Vice President of Research Advancement
San Diego State University

Valerie Leppert, Professor, Engineering
University of California Merced

Amanda Quintero, Senior Advisor to the President for Inclusive Excellence and Equity Innovation Officer for the Global HSI Equity Innovation Hub California State University, Northridge

Susan Carlson, Vice Provost for Academic Personnel Emerita
University of California Office of the President

Susan Carter, Research Development Director
Santa Fe Institute

Rebecca Lewison portrait

Rebecca Lewison, Professor, Biology
San Diego State University

Advisory Committee

Kyle Lewis, Professor of Technology Management, UC Santa Barbara

Sue Rosser, Special Advisor for Research Development and External Partnerships, CSU Office of the Chancellor

External Evaluator

Mariko Chang, Mariko Chang, LLC

This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation (grant # 1464064).  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.