How do you Design a Seed Grant Program That is Inclusive and Equitable?

Motivating RD Professionals to ACT by advocating for inclusive language – revising a Seed Grant Program

Goal: Deliver resources, concepts, and a specific intervention that lowers the activation energy for RD Professionals to recommend and implement equity in seed grant project design

Background – Before You Design

  • Do a baseline analysis – what’s existing?
  • Identify the goal or goals (be explicit, see “What a Seed Grant Program is good for) 
  • Check in with leadership (lead from the middle)
  • Know your budget & consider the source
  • Consider competition platforms

Before You Write the Solicitation

The bare minimum of using inclusive language – A Choose your own adventure application
-Falk-Krzesinski and Tobin, 2015

Key QuestionReview Criteria Terms
Why does it matter?Significance, Importance
How is it new?Innovation, Novelty, Creativity
How will it be done?Approach, Plan, Methodology, Objectives, Aims
In what context will it be done?Environment, Resources, Population, Facilities
What is special about the people involvedInvestigators, Organization, People, Researchers, Personnel, Partners, Collaborators, Staff
What is the return on investmentImpact, Value, Relevance
How effectively will resources be managed?Budget
How will success be determined?Evaluation, Assessment

Additional Resources

Inclusive Language Slides