How do you Manage Outreach?
Recruitment and Outreach Are Key to JEDI
- Deliberate and well-thought-out outreach and recruitment campaign
- Aim for “two in the pool” effect
- Diverse strategies and inclusive messaging
- combat misperceptions of “who this is for”
A Multi-dimensional Communication Strategy
- Transparent communication
- program requirements
- selection criteria
- past awards
- Broadly recruit candidates using a variety of channels
- active, e.g., faculty meetings/events,
- passive, e.g., websites
- long-term view, e.g., grantwriting training
- Signal inclusiveness through language and images
Build a Network of Partners and Amplify Your Impact
- Use program ”ambassadors” and mentors to support your outreach efforts and encourage applications
- ambassadors: previous awardees, “connectors”, trusted peers
- mentors: tap existing mentorship programs, facilitate informal mentoring
- Double down on successful practices (collect-analyze-tweak-repeat)
Equitable Recruitment and Outreach Slides